Common Information
Type | Value |
Value |
import "pe" rule screensaver_desktop_locker { meta: description = "exe - file screensaver.exe" author = "DFIR Report" reference = "" date = "2020-06-10" hash1 = "c3ec60b8052e31db149c35080afea5b57b1e8a034386555d12035eb5edefdd68" strings: $x1 = "<assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls\" version=\"\" language=\"*\" processorArchitec" $s2 = "<assemblyIdentity type=\"win32\" name=\"Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls\" version=\"\" language=\"*\" processorArchitec" $s3 = "Desktop_Locker.exe" wide fullword $s4 = "KeyEx~+" ascii fullword $s5 = "xkernel32" ascii fullword $s6 = "re=\"*\" publicKeyToken=\"6595b64144ccf1df\"></assemblyIdentity>" ascii fullword $s7 = "_logb'yn=d" ascii fullword $s8 = "ComplPe " ascii fullword $s9 = "tNhitmP" ascii fullword $s10 = "RUNpKI;" ascii fullword $s11 = ".UserObjectInform1Wf;" ascii fullword $s12 = "QUNICOD" ascii fullword $s13 = "LPTX999" ascii fullword $s14 = "allsig" ascii fullword $s15 = "xaqfwd" ascii fullword $s16 = "Gpm* YN" ascii fullword $s17 = "6VVhU\\ " ascii fullword $s18 = "#G3;\\0ANIi7j\\" ascii fullword $s19 = "UnkJwn excz`>o" ascii fullword $s20 = "dfgxA v" ascii fullword condition: uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and filesize < 800KB and (pe.imphash() == "3fdb0650e8607422d0624242575f61f2" or (1 of ($x*) or 4 of them)) } |
Category | |
Type | Yara Rule |
Misp Type | |
Description |