Common Information
Type | Value |
Value |
rule wellmess_botlib_function_names { meta: description = "Rule to detect WellMess Golang samples based on the function names used by the actor" author = "NCSC" hash = "8749c1495af4fd73ccfc84b32f56f5e78549d81feefb0c1d1c3475a74345f6a8" strings: $s1 = "botlib.wellMess" ascii wide $s2 = "botlib.saveFile" ascii wide $s3 = "botlib.reply" ascii wide $s4 = "botlib.init" ascii wide $s5 = "botlib.generateRandomString" ascii wide $s6 = "botlib.encrypt" ascii wide $s7 = "botlib.deleteFile" ascii wide $s8 = "botlib.convertFromString" ascii wide $s9 = "botlib.chunksM" ascii wide $s10 = "botlib.Work" ascii wide $s11 = "botlib.UnpackB" ascii wide $s12 = "botlib.Unpack" ascii wide $s13 = "botlib.UDFile" ascii wide $s14 = "botlib.Split" ascii wide $s15 = "botlib.Service" ascii wide $s16 = "botlib.SendMessage" ascii wide $s17 = "botlib.Send.func1" ascii wide $s18 = "botlib.Send" ascii wide $s19 = "botlib.ReceiveMessage" ascii wide $s20 = "botlib.RandStringBytes" ascii wide $s21 = "botlib.RandInt" ascii wide $s22 = "botlib.Post" ascii wide $s23 = "botlib.Parse" ascii wide $s24 = "botlib.Pad" ascii wide $s25 = "botlib.Pack" ascii wide $s26 = "botlib.New" ascii wide $s27 = "botlib.KeySizeError.Error" ascii wide $s28 = "botlib.Key" ascii wide $s29 = "botlib.Join" ascii wide $s30 = "botlib.GetRandomBytes" ascii wide $s31 = "botlib.GenerateSymmKey" ascii wide $s32 = "botlib.FromNormalToBase64" ascii wide $s33 = "botlib.EncryptText" ascii wide $s34 = "botlib.Download" ascii wide $s35 = "botlib.Decipher" ascii wide $s36 = "botlib.Command" ascii wide $s37 = "botlib.Cipher" ascii wide $s38 = "botlib.CalculateMD5Hash" ascii wide $s39 = "botlib.Base64ToNormal" ascii wide $s40 = "botlib.AES_Encrypt" ascii wide $s41 = "botlib.AES_Decrypt" ascii wide $s42 = "botlib.(*rc6cipher).Encrypt" ascii wide $s43 = "botlib.(*rc6cipher).Decrypt" ascii wide $s44 = "botlib.(*rc6cipher).BlockSize" ascii wide $s45 = "botlib.(*KeySizeError).Error" ascii wide $s46 = "botlib.DownloadDNS" ascii wide $s47 = "botlib.JoinDnsChunks" ascii wide $s48 = "botlib.SendDNS" ascii wide $s49 = "botlib.CreateDNSName" ascii wide condition: ((uint16(0) == 0x5a4d and uint16(uint16(0x3c)) == 0x4550) or uint32(0) == 0x464c457f) and any of them } |
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Type | Yara Rule |
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